Ask any parent: there’s a lot to getting a child ready to head back to school. A lot. But while the school supplies, uniforms, physicals, etc. are obviously important, so is the space where that child spends much of their time. Getting it right could even help them do better in school. You don’t need to go in for a complete HGTV-worthy remodel. A little thought, a little work and maybe a little shopping might make all the difference. Here’s what we suggest:


Girl showing off her bedroom

Image:  Bruce Mars on Unsplash

First things first: organize and declutter. While it may be painful at first, this will go better in the long run if the child is involved. It will help them own the result and teach valuable lessons. At least, that’s the plan. Plus, part of the process is making sure all their clothes fit, which will be easier if the child in question is actually there to try them on.

TIP: Once the wardrobe is pared down to items that are actually wearable, put all the school-appropriate clothes in one place so it’s easier for kids to dress themselves.



Instead of doing everything from their bed—we’re looking at you, millennials—help kids use the whole room by setting up zones for different activities. Designated spaces for sleeping and playing and whatever-ing will help keep all the things from ending up in one ginormous pile. Using color to designate zones helps mark boundaries and can be a subconscious clue as to what the child should be doing in that space (like sleeping).

Tip:  A dedicated backpack hook or shelf can go a long way toward making that backpack find-able on a school morning. Assuming they use it, of course. Decorating can only go so far.


Image:   Living Spaces

Psychologists tell us that “homework done in a dedicated, distraction-free area…can foster improved homework completion as well as better sleep for kids.”1 That’s where a homework station comes into play. A designated study spot stocked with grade-appropriate supplies (pens/pencils/markers, scratch paper, computer, clock, etc.) may not make homework more fun, but will make it easier to get it done.

TIP:  Make sure the chair fits the child. It’s hard to focus on anything when you’re wiggling around trying to get comfortable.



Sensible doesn’t have to be boring. That’s true for any room of the house but especially for a child’s or teen’s room. Happy colors can make anything more fun, whether that’s furniture, bedding or accessories. Look for things that are both playful and practical—like the colorful lockers pictured above—or flexible furniture that can adapt to changing needs as the child grows older.

TIP:  A cork or magnet board is a fun way to display photos, artwork, etc. and a functional way to keep those things contained in one area.


Image:  Wallism

Along with homework, chores, activities and all the other things that keep kids busy these days, children need time and space to dream. Help their imagination soar with décor that appeals to their sense of adventure and whimsy. Stars on the ceiling, murals that inspire stories, art that gives them something to aspire to…the possibilities are endless. Note: Keep in mind that what inspires your child may not necessarily appeal to you, but you can put things that inspire you in your room. (And you should.)

TIP:  Peel-and-stick wallpaper makes it easy—easier, anyway—to add inspiration to walls and even furniture. Then you can remove it and update the look as needed.

Here’s to a great new school year!

1 Suárez N, Regueiro B, Estévez I, del Mar Ferradás M, Guisande MA, Rodríguez S. Individual precursors of student homework behavioral engagement: the role of intrinsic motivation, perceived homework utility and homework attitudeFront Psychol. 2019;10:941. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00941 accessed on

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