Don’t let the name fool you! “Wall” paper is not just for walls. If one of the styles in our previous wallpaper post tickled your fancy but you can’t decide where to put it, maybe you need to broaden your horizons. Besides the traditional location (walls) you can also use wallpaper to…


Image: Elle Décor

European castles and stately homes have beautiful ceilings. Why shouldn’t you? You’ll need a smooth surface to start with, so if your ceiling is textured or ‘popcorned’ that will need to be addressed. Fortunately, we know just the folks who can fix it…us! Request a consultation and you’ll have Insta-worthy ceilings before you know it.


Image: DécorPad

Even a bookshelf you put together yourself from a box can look like a million bucks when you dress up the back with a beautiful pattern. Hint: If you are using an assemble-it-yourself piece of furniture, apply the wallpaper to the inside back before you put it all together. That way you can do the whole thing in one big sheet and save yourself a lot of fiddly measuring, cutting and sticking.


Image:  Hannah’s Treasures Vintage Wallpaper Blog

This budget-friendly project doesn’t use much wallpaper and is easy enough for beginners. You can apply your wallpaper headboard directly to the wall, but if you’re one of those people who likes to rearrange the furniture on a regular basis, you might opt to stick it on a piece of plywood for easier move-ability.


Image:  Laurel Home

An easy-peasy way to make a big impact. Just pick a wallpaper and a frame and put the one inside the other. Bonus: it doesn’t take much wallpaper to do this project, which keeps costs down, and it’s easy to change with your style or mood.


Image:  The Homes I Have Made

Maybe you need a new item of furniture…or maybe that tired piece in the corner just needs a refresh. Wallpaper can do more than jazz up the back of a bookshelf. Check out this post from The Homes I Have Made for ideas and advice on how to use peel and stick wallpaper to breathe new life into your existing furniture.

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